Greetings my brothers and sisters:


I do not think that much debate is needed for us to come to the consensus that today’s young and old men are in crisis: In part because of society’s stamp of approval of ‘redefining’ a man’s masculinity, gender, and role(s). I would go so far as to say that the percentage of men that feel isolated and misdirected is increasing. Men are loosing sight (spiritual vision) of themselves, their families, and their future.


From a Christian perspective, a war is waging. Through the vehicles of social media, television, and government; the enemy of our souls is invoking a daily fight for our hearts and our vision. Fortunately, God has given us the tools to successfully fight the good fight of faith. We have to be prudent to take hold of these tools. Our good master instructs us to  “write the vision and make it plain...that he may run that reads it”. How do I do that?


Join us, as we as men of God, discuss the vital importance of having a spiritual vision, how to write that vision, and how to make it plain. With 20/20 vision, we can experience success in our marriages, families, and social lives.


May God bless you and we would love to see you at ManCave 20/20.






Darryll Corpening






Annual ManCave Men's Conference January 18-19, 2020


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